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The Benefits Of The Nutrients Found In Papaya

Generally, eating a fruit right after you have had your meal isn't recommended, since it may have a negative impact on the digestion. Ripe Papaya is one of those very few exceptions, which are recommended to be eaten after a big meal. Considering the kind of food that we eat, supplementing it with papaya, works wonders on our body.

A very rich source of a number of proteolytic enzymes, the fruit helps in breaking down meat, as well as, all other forms of protein. Although the benefits of papaya, when consumed after a meal, are well known, not might know about its other benefits.

Apart from the enzymes, papaya is a rich source of a number of antioxidant nutrients and minerals. Read on to know about all the amazing benefits that the fruit provides.

1. Protects The Heart

The antioxidants vitamin A and C, found in ripe papaya, helps in the prevention of cholesterol oxidation. Hence, it is known to be helpful in preventing diabetic heart disease and atherosclerosis. Considering the fact that the papaya fruit is a great source of fiber, the fruit has been known to be helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. The fact that there are a number of delicious papaya recipes prevents us from getting bored with the fruit, although it is quite difficult to get bored with such a delicious taste.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The protein-digesting enzymes like chymopapain and papain, help in reducing inflammation and also improve the healing of burns. Even the antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C have been known to help in this regard. Among the many benefits of papaya, this one is widely utilized.

3. Strengthening Of The Immune System

The beta-carotene, which is found in the papaya fruit, helps the body in synthesizing vitamins A and C. These vitamins are essential in maintaining a healthy immune system. Hence, ripe papaya is known to be very helpful in preventing flu, colds and other illnesses like recurrent ear infections.

4. Prevention Of Macular Degeneration

Eating about 3 servings of papaya on a daily basis has been known to help in preventing macular degeneration which sets in, with the onset of old age. Three servings may sound like a lot, but there are a number of delicious papaya recipes which one can try, to keep it interesting.

5. Prevention Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

New researches are adding new things to the long list of benefits of papaya. Studies have shown that papaya, being a source of vitamin C, can help in preventing the onset of inflammatory polyarthritis, which is a form of rheumatoid arthritis. This form of rheumatoid arthritis involves a couple or more of the joints in the body. With several papaya recipes available at our fingertips, keeping rheumatoid arthritis shouldn't be that hard.

If you are thinking of adding papaya to your regular diet in order to improve your health, then you are on the right track. 

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