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Methods Of Study To Be Effective

Despite study hard, some students can not count among outstanding students. Remember that to be a "good" learners, not "Study hard". Here are some tips on how to be a clover of your studies.

1. Place of learning

Some people think that the place of study is not so important and necessary. They think that just focusing on watching the lesson is enough. They are thinking wrong. The place is really important for your studying. A quiet place for health is what students need. These include a library, a coffee shop, or even a home.

2. Take what should take

Some of the study materials you need while you look at your lesson or do the exercise should not be forgotten. Because it is a waste of time if you return to take study material that you forget. These materials may be files that the teacher gave.

3. Shorting words

Learning is not just about memorization, but we should understand what we are doing and memorize it. Shorting this word is very effective for you to wait for long. For example, when you need to remember a long point, you need to understand that and find a way to remember each keyword at that point.

4. Perform in groups or alone

An English word, "Practice makes perfect". Of course, we should test our ability to know how much you know. This is the only way you can strengthen your gaps. Sometimes you can also test that ability in a team, even with components from different classes. Because they can help explain the points you need or change the study materials, which is better for you.

5. Make a study schedule for yourself

Many students spend their time learning only when they want to. This can make you create a bad habit that results from your "busy" complaint. You should spend a reasonable amount of time for self-study, regardless of how short it is. It can help you get ready for the exam day.

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