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How to Show All Files and Folders Hidden Using Command Prompt

Hiding a File or Folder is a great way for you to unwittingly show important documents to others or fear of hacking into a computer and copy your documents. It's hiding by using the command is a great way because no need to install applications and it is a fast way and security, You just go to CMD and type the word.

Attrib + s + h "D: \ desktop" (specify: D: \ desktop is the folder's location that we hides)

Then the folder will be hidden if you want to show the file or folder back, just type Attrib -s -h "D: \ desktop" when it will show up. Back.

But when you forget the name of the file or folder, you can not type it in the above command, so you must do the following:

First, log in to Drive, which means that the file or folder is hidden in the drive.

Next, type Command Show, then a hidden file or folder will be displayed

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